July – Automate your entire creator business

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July is the ultimate solution for creators seeking to streamline their brand deals and concentrate on producing exceptional content. Our platform offers an automated process for managing brand partnerships, freeing up valuable time and energy. With July, creators can seamlessly handle their outreach, negotiations, media kit creation, and payment procedures, all within a single, convenient location.

By automating brand deals, July simplifies the entire process, eliminating the need for time-consuming manual tasks. Our platform empowers creators to efficiently reach out to brands, reducing the back-and-forth communication and administrative work typically involved. Negotiations become more streamlined, allowing creators to focus on crafting compelling content rather than getting caught up in lengthy discussions.

July also provides a comprehensive media kit feature, enabling creators to showcase their work, audience demographics, and engagement statistics to potential brand partners. With a professionally designed and easily accessible media kit, creators can make a strong impression and attract lucrative collaborations.

Furthermore, July takes care of the often tedious and complex payment process, ensuring that creators receive timely compensation for their collaborations. By centralizing all aspects of brand deals, our platform enhances efficiency, organization, and transparency, enabling creators to dedicate more time and energy to their creative pursuits.


With July, creators can embrace automation and simplify their brand partnerships, allowing them to focus on what truly matters: creating outstanding content that engages and resonates with their audience - by 99webdesign .

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